Our Programmes
Programmes for Community Sustainability
The Anti-litter Champions
Trash on city streets, plastic in the sea, and illegal dumping are all part of the problem. In Auckland alone, litter cleanups cost almost $5 million a year according to the 2018 ‘Litter by Little’ project report.
The’ Anti-litter Champions’ is a campaign to raise awareness of the increasing trash on city streets by:
- Engaging the community in events
- ‘TeamUp 2 CleanUp’ activities
Just sign up by emailing info@earthactiontrust.org.nz
Zero Waste @ Events
New Zealand is now home to over 200 cultures. As such, many celebrations are common especially in the summer. The waste that has accumulated at them has had harmful effects in wildlife, soil and landscape as well as other things.
Zero Waste @ Events is a service to support event managers to ensure waste are discarded properly to the appropriate bins – recyclable, compostable, landfill and soft plastic.
To know more about running a zero waste events go to
Zero Waste Education in Events
There is a growing demand for public events to be a zero-waste. Since 2018, we have participated in several events and festivals in Auckland to educate member of the public on sorting waste properly and increase waste diversion.
Progress Together
While everyone benefits from a little boost in physical health, long-term volunteers have longer lives, less disease, and better overall health. One report says that people who volunteer over 100 hours a year are some of the healthiest people in the U.S.
Progress Together is a volunteers’ network to bring awareness of the several and unexpected benefits of volunteering in one’s body, soul and spirit