Nuku Nuku A Papatuanuku
Kia ora, Talofa lava, Malo-e-lelei, Namaste,
Ola, Ni hao, Hello, Salaam, Konnichiwa,
Ciao, Bonjour, Mabuhay, Anyong Haseyo,
Welcome to Earth Action Trust
An organisation that is dedicated to protecting
the environment and creating awareness for a sustainable future.

Creating a future where people live in harmony with the environment, enhancing well-being and fostering a strong sense of belonging and care for our Mother Earth.
We strive to support our community in becoming effective stewards of the environment. We empower communities to embrace their environmental connection, fostering a culture where the health of our planet and the well-being of humanity are seen as one and the same.
Our Sponsors

What We Do
Anti-litter Champaign
Team Up 2 Clean Up is a monthly initiative by Earth Action Trust dedicated to street clean events go beyond just tidying up our…
Community Engagement
At Earth Action Trust, we believe that true environmental change begins with community involvement…
Past Event
Some information about out past events

Get in Touch
Phone: 027 532 6281
Office hours : Tuesday – Thursday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm